Automotive Industry
welding is the predominant joining technology applied in automotive
industry for assembly of the car body, usually called the Body-in-White (BIW). Nearly all sheet
metal components are assembled with spot welding, whereas projection
welding has often been used for fastening weld nuts to sheets.
With increasing demands on light-weight vehicle for reducing CO2
emission and increasing strengths and crashing performance for
improving safety measures, more and more new materials including
advanced high strength steels (AHSS), aluminum alloys, and new surface coatings
are introduced into the automotive production. These new materials
have largely complicated the welding processes,
and made all existing knowledge in welding of the conventional
materials invalid. More welding tests and process optimizations are
needed before setting up the welding
SORPASŪ has been applied to support product developments for evaluations of weldability of new materials,
and process planning for welding
process optimizations, which are further strengthened with the newly developed weld planning functions.
Some examples for industrial applications of the software
in auto industry are presented in the
Gallery of case studies.