Since first commercialized in 1999, SORPAS® has been continuously
developed and improved for industrial applications. It is now widely
used by leading manufacturing companies in various industrial
sectors all over the world, to support research and development,
weldability evaluation, welding process parameter optimization,
production line planning and launching, as well as maintenance in
resistance welding including spot welding and projection welding
The major industrial sectors applying resistance welding are listed
Some examples of applications in different industrial
sectors are presented in the sub-menu to the left and more cases
are shown in the Gallery of
case studies.
Welding process simulations:
Spot welding: Simulation of three-sheet
spot welding of low carbon steel, high strength low alloy (HSLA)
steel and Dual Phase (DP) steel sheets. |
Projection welding: Simulation of projection welding of square nut with corner projections welded to steel sheet showing
the weld after collapse of the projections. |
Butt welding: Simulation of resistance butt welding of two steel plates welded at the ends with resistance heating and
subsequent forging and butt welding. |
Parallel gap welding: Simulation of parallel gap welding
(micro resistance welding) for joining thin foil to substrate plate of
titanium alloys. |
Welding process parameter optimizations and process planning:
With the Enterprise Edition , several
functions for automated simulations have been developed to support
welding process parameter optimization. It is possible to run fully
automated procedures to generate the weld growth curves and the
weldability lobes.
This is a weld growth curve generated automatically with SORPAS®
for spot welding of 1 mm mild steel sheets in the range of weld
current from 2 kA to 15 kA. The software has automatically identified
the working range with green color points indicating the good
spot welds, the red color points indicating splashes and the
black color points indicating no weld. |
This is a weldability lobe generated automatically with SORPAS®
for spot welding of 1 mm mild steel sheets with two welding
process parameters (weld current and time) referring to ISO
14327:2004. Three reference weld nugget diameters (minimum,
maximum and nominal) are indicated. It is also possible to generate
the weldability lobe with weld current and force. |
Report of simulation:
After each simulation, SORPAS® will generate a Report of Simulation
for documentation. Below is a typical report for a spot welding
simulation. In the upper part, it shows the initial welding conditions
including material combinations, geometry of electrodes and workpieces
as well as the welding process parameter settings. In the lower
part, it shows the main simulation results with a selected process
parameter curve, the final temperature distribution with the weld
nugget dimension in each workpiece.
